Saturday, September 27, 2014

NPC Back In Full Swing!

This past week was National Hazing Prevention week. UNA’s Greek life has an absolutely no hazing policy. Our sororities do just the opposite of hazing. The sororities shower their pledges with love and gifts. Our fraternities also do not haze their pledges. We love our new members and happily welcome them into our chapters without hazing. As as effort to stress our intolerance of hazing, the Greek community launched a social media campaign to show that we will not stand for hazing! Here are some of the pics from this fun week!

Also, this past week Alpha Gamma Delta hosted a Skate with the Sororities activity to promote Greek unity among our Panhellenic community and raised money towards their philanthropy! 

This upcoming week is homecoming!! We have lots of events coming up for this festive week. We have the window painting competition on Monday, September 29th, the inaugural Homecoming bonfire on Thursday, October 2nd from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m., the homecoming pep rally Friday, October 3rd at 9 p.m., and the parade Saturday October 4th at 11 a.m.  Then, kick-off for the big homecoming game Saturday is at 6 p.m. versus Western Oregon. 

This Friday is also Zeta Tau Alpha’s pink party philanthropy event featuring the Midnighters on Mobile Plaza at First Friday. This event will begin at 6pm! This is before the homecoming pep rally so everyone make it out to support ZTA!