Monday, October 19, 2015

New Member Spotlight: Vivian Walker

Note from the interviewer:
I had such a great time interviewing Vivian in one of our amazing coffee shops downtown. Her warm and genuine personality really shines through when talking to her. She is someone to get to know when you see her around campus. 

Where are you from?
Macon, Georgia

Why did you choose to go to UNA?
My mom’s sorority sister told us about UNA when we ran into her in Auburn and she told us about the scholarship for people that are from out of state so that’s what really clenched it for us.

Why did you do recruitment?
My step mom was in a sorority and told me about it and I started seeing how her connections have stayed all of these years and how genuine they are. Then one particular sorority stuck out to me during welcome week and they were the ones that broke the stereotypical sorority girl for me.

What was your view of sororities before recruitment compared to now?
I honestly lived under a rock. Growing up you hear these stereotypes and believe them unfairly. Now, I realize it is a bunch of girls who take you are you are and help one another.

What did you think when you opened your bid?
Going in I really wanted the group I met during welcome week that broke the mold for me, but my roommate and the people I knew wanted somewhere else so it made me torn. On bid day when we all tore apart our bids I was so excited I got where I wanted and they all got where they wanted… but we weren't together. For a few minutes I was bummed because we were in different sororities but then I met my pledge class and I only got more excited to run home.

What is your definition of “sorority”?
Sorority is learning to accept and love one another for our flaws and learning how to work together. I mean no two sororities are exactly the same so it is nice learning to work together.

What were you most excited about by being a new member in your sorority before recruitment and what are you now looking forward to when you become an initiated member?

I didn’t know what to expect in a sorority coming in. I was looking forward to making that lasting bond. In the future I have high hopes to build my chapter to be the best it can be. I love my chapter and I only want to make it better.

Monday, October 12, 2015

New Member Spotlight: Erin and Rachel Shockey

Note from the interviewer:
This week we will be focusing on our new members. When I first thought of who to interview for this series I immediately thought of these two. Being on the other side of recruitment I got to see them throughout their entire process and watch their reactions on bid day. I have seen these two flourish in their own unique ways that really show off their amazing personalities. I really enjoyed my interview with them and encourage you to get to know them just like I did.

First off, where are you from?
Madison. Bob Jones

Why did you choose UNA?
E: We both played volleyball in high school and I was choosing colleges based on volleyball scholarships and this was the only place I was considering not playing at and I chose here because I prayed about it and I was at peace here.
R: We went to a big high school, and while it was awesome I chose a smaller college because it felt homey and like I would have a voice here and I would not be just a number; a place where I could get to know my professors and small class sizes.

Why did you go through recruitment?
E: Well it’s funny because I wasn’t going to do recruitment but Rachel was. Since I wasn’t going to do volleyball at UNA I was wondering what I would do with my time. My high school volleyball coach really encouraged me to go through recruitment. She actually went to UNA and was in a sorority here and told me about how if I didn’t like it by the end of the week I didn’t have to take my bid but I would meet a lot of people throughout the process. I really respect her and her opinion so I decided to go through. I think she knew that I would have taken my bid at the end of the week no matter what.
R: In high school we had 2 best friends who are our support system besides our parents because they are so strong in their faith and when they went off to two different schools I decided to go through recruitment so I could have strong friendships like that here. It’s been great. I’ve already been making amazing friends and I love it!

What was your idea of a sisterhood before recruitment and how is it compared to now?
E: Beforehand I thought that with that many girls in one place there would be drama or whatever. I didn’t know how deep it actually is. I had no idea what sororities were about. It’s about having each other’s backs and loving each other. After step show it was crazy to me how much of a bond we already have. You are all joined together by something bigger than yourself.
R: I kind of went into recruitment blind. Even though our dad was in a fraternity no woman in our family was Greek. I mean fraternities and sororities are different so I had no idea what I was wanting to enter into. I just thought sororities were a bunch of girls that hung out and went places together. Sisterhood and values night was a real eye opener to me. Now I realize it’s a lot deeper than I thought it would be. It’s who you are as a person and pushes you to be the best person you can be.

Define sisterhood.
R: Wow, that really hard. It’s just knowing that no matter what people will do anything and everything for you. They are your support system and encourage you to be the best person you can be.
E: I mean Rachel and I have our own sisterhood, but it’s not the same. While I always have her best interest at heart it’s someone who would drop everything for you. Someone who would stand out in the rain and miss a college football game while you have a flat tire. If I had to define sisterhood it would be going through life with people no matter your background and loving them regardless of how different they are from you.

What was your first thought when you opened your bid?
E: I honestly thought that I was going to go somewhere else so when I opened my bid I was in shock. Rachel’s Gamma Chi group and mine were right beside each other and I instantly thought of her and looked at her. I saw her jumping and smiling and I was a mixture of emotions. I was upset that I wasn’t going where I thought I was going to and confused that something like this had happened.
R: My first thought was “Oh my gosh this is great!” My second thought was Erin and when I looked up I saw she wasn’t okay. I never even thought about us being in different sororities because we have been together our whole lives. I thought this had to be a mistake. It was a mixture of happiness and sadness.

What did you think when you two got two different homes?
E: I thought the world was crumpling around me. I thought it was the worst thing that could happen. We told each other we would be in the same sorority before recruitment so when we didn’t end up in the same place I felt so alone.
R: I almost felt bad for being happy for going where I wanted to be. I didn’t prepare myself for that because I didn’t think it could be a possibility. I was so stunned and also felt so alone.

What are the pros and cons to being in different sororities?
E: On bid day I was crying on the way to the events and I had 3 different girls that all sat with me and talked to me about everything and how it wasn’t a mistake I was there because they wanted me so badly. Every girl was so concerned when they didn’t even know me. It’s best feeling to be wanted. Rachel and I are so different and we are seeing our differences so much more now. The best thing is I’m seen as an individual. Our whole life we have been mixed up since we are identical twins, but when I walk onto the floor they know who I am. Now because we are in different sororities I get to know twice as many people and I really feel like we are bridging both chapters in a way.
R: You are loved who you are not who y’all are. You aren’t loved for being “the twins”. Erin is much more of the outgoing one and I felt like my confidence came from her, but being in different sororities it helps me be confident in my individual self. It’s really helped me as a person.
E: One of the cons is I can’t wear her t-shirts. I mean what college girl doesn’t love t-shirts?
R: One of the cons for me is that some times I will be missing her throughout the day when she is busy doing her own sorority thing. We have a blood bond, which makes it worse X1000.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Your Freshman Year at UNA as Told by Kimmy Schmidt

Your freshman year of college is incredible. Some might even call it your best. Whether you leapt across state lines for the chance to start over and prove your independence, or decided to treat college like a hipster treats beer, (locally crafted with just a touch of loving nostalgia) and receive a higher education right in your back yard, it’s the year that you and your life start the transition from clueless (this is the part where you’re thinking “Me? Clueless? As if!”) high school student into your “post-adolescent idealistic phase.” As dramatic as that sounds, it’s absolutely true. Don’t worry though, because you’re far from alone; throughout the good and the bad you’ll always have one friend who you can relate, Kimmy Schmidt who is "Unbreakable".

Your freshman year is so exciting simply due to the amount of freedom you now have. You make the decisions on everything from where you go to school right down to when you want to take a nap. Amidst all those choices, one of the biggest ones you’ll have to make is where you’re going to live and who you’re going to live with. More often than not, the place you’ll be living is a dorm reserved strictly for freshmen and the person you’ll be living with is a stranger.

Just like Kimmy didn’t know her bunk-sters (Get it? Like bunk-mates and sisters? No? Oh, okay. I’ll stop trying to make jokes now) you won’t know everyone on your floor or in your building. This can seem a little overwhelming at first, but pretty soon after you move in and the semester starts terms like “that building” and “those strangers” evolve into “home” and “family.” You find yourself becoming close with your RA, people who live above and below you, even people you never expected to be friends with. Being in such close proximity and sharing similar experiences are the two biggest factors that contribute to creating a bond with your fellow residents that will go on even after you’ve been freed from the bunker.

Jacqueline Voorhes = Every Upperclassman Ever
One of the most intimidating things about college is looking at the older students and coming to the realization that the stressed out senior you see every time you got to Collier will one day be you. You’re pretty sure they live there and don’t actually have an apartment. How else would they be able to spend SO much time there?! College is where you start to narrow down what you want to do for the rest of your life. The process of what is ultimately choosing a career that matches your passions and interests is grueling, but all the sophomores/juniors/seniors make it look sooo easy. They have everything planned out, right? WRONG. When you first meet an upperclassman, the impression they give you will be reminiscent of when Kimmy first met Jackie. They’ll have it all and more, but once you start to take a closer look you notice that they actually aren’t as perfect and put together as they seem. 

I’m a junior and, like most of my peers, I’m still not entirely sure of what I want to do when I graduate. So when the moment comes that you’re stressed about switching majors or trying to plan your future and you feel the urge to just drop out and be a hippie that sells fortunes for the rest of your days, remember to take a moment and breathe. You are definitely not alone in that feeling. To quote High School Musical, “We’re all in this together.” Find someone who’s a little older to talk to and swap perspectives with. The cool thing about college is that there is always an opportunity to learn something from someone, whether it’s an 18 year old bright eyed freshman, or that one professor that everyone loves. Just like Jackie needs Kimmy sometimes, the veterans of the college need you, the freshman, to help us out too. So go on you new freshman with your bright eyes and new ideas. It's your year. Make it how you want. 

Written by Nicole Morris; Edited by UNA Panhellenic

Monday, July 13, 2015

Meet Your 2015 Gamma Chis

Meet Your 2015 Gamma Chis
Going through recruitment is a long and tiring process. You may find yourself thinking "Where do I feel at home?" "What do I wear?" "What do I do when I feel torn?" Your Gamma Chis are here to help you with any questions or concerns you have during this stressful process. Get familiar with who they are because who knows, one of them could be yours!

Emily Alves

My name is Emily Alves and I'm a senior majoring in fashion merchandising and minoring in journalism. I'm a firm believer that running, chocolate, New Girl, and traveling make the world go 'round. During my time here I've been a member of the POD Color Guard, Honors Program, SGA, Lagrange Society, Diorama Staff and Greek Life community. My experience at UNA, however, wouldn't have been the same if not for the sisterhood that welcomed my awkwardness with open arms and taught me how to be the best version of myself that I can be.

Briana Ball

My name is Briana Ball and I am a senior at UNA. I am majoring in Social Work because I love working with people! I love going to restaurants downtown, watching movies, and going to the beach with my sisters! I cannot wait to meet all of your girls going through recruitment!

Samantha Black

My name is Samantha Black. I am a junior majoring in Marketing with a concentration in Sales. I am currently working at The Pie Factory in Downtown Florence. When I have free time from work and school, I love visiting my family in Moulton and binge watching Netflix.

Anna Blair

My name is Anna Blair. I'm an upcoming junior majoring in Industrial Hygiene & Chemistry. I can’t wait to meet incoming students and to help potential new members find their place within Panhellenic. Having sisters is more than just sharing the same letters. It's about finding a place you can call home with people who share the same values and ideas. Come join the Panhellenic family! 

Brandi Nelms

My name is Brandi Nelms. I am from Muscle Shoals. I am an elementary education major. I have been a part of Greek life for four years now. I have met so many new friends through this organization and I can't wait to help girls find their new home.

Caitlin Brown

My name is Caitlin Brown, and I'm a junior here at The University of North Alabama. I'm currently in my second semester of nursing school, and caring for others is my passion. I came home to my chapter in the Fall of 2012, and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I am so excited to have the privilege to give up my letters for a month to help you find yours! I can't wait to help you find your home away from home!

Kelsey Cook

Hey ladies! My name is Kelsey Cook. I'm a nursing major from Salem, Alabama. I love strong coffee, a good novel and embarrassing my friends. As this is my fourth and final year with my sisterhood, I am excited to help you begin your own amazing journey as I finish mine.

Paige Drouillard

My name is Paige Drouillard. I am a senior here at UNA. I plan to get a degree in biology and one day work as a zoo keeper. I am also the first one in my family to go Greek. I can’t wait to help you find your home like I found mine. Roar Lions!

Rachel Fulton

Hi, I’m Rachel from a small town called Athens. I’m pretty adventurous. In fact, I love to do anything outdoorsy from kayaking, hiking, camping, to extreme skydiving. But my main objective in life is to help people. My major is social work and I want to counsel those who have proudly served our country!

Maryanne Fults

My name is Maryanne Fults and I am a Senior. I'm a lover of all things cats and Katy Perry. Being apart of Greek Life has changed my life for the better. I can't wait for everyone to find their home like I found mine.

Anna Goggans

Hi! I'm Anna Goggans and I spend all of my time during the school year studying away for nursing school. Ya want to know what I love almost as much as that? Greek Life! My sorority sisters support me, love me, and build me up. While I'm procrastinating I enjoy Netflix, knitting, and going to Target. 

Emily Horton

Hey y'all my name is Emily Horton. I'm from a small town called Greenhill. I love anything that involves the outdoors, food, horses, and my dog! I'm a nursing major and love helping people and I can't wait to help you find your new Greek home here at UNA! Roar Lions!! 

Kelsey Beth Nelms

My name is Kelsey Beth Nelms, and I'm an upcoming senior here at The University of North Alabama. I'm currently majoring in Elementary Education. I came home to my chapter in the Fall of 2013, and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I love to see other people happy. I am so excited to have the privilege to give up my letters for a few months to help you find yours! I can't wait to help you find your home away from home!

Alex Kelley

Hello, ladies! My name is Alex Kelley, and I'm a Senior from Collinwood, Tennessee. I love the simple things in life like Coke Icees and good company. I can't wait to meet each of you this fall and help you find your new home during recruitment! 

Katie Lindsay

I'm a senior at UNA majoring in English with a minor in French. I love to travel and drink good coffee, preferably at the same time. I'm an avid reader, but I watch Netflix even more. When I graduate, I hope to publish children's books and eventually teach high school English. 

Emily Manush

Hi, I'm Emily, and I'm from Huntsville, Alabama. I will be a Junior at UNA. I decided to go Greek my freshman year, and I have loved every minute since. I'm so excited to meet y'all in the fall! 

Nichole Morris

Hey, my name is Nichole Morris! I am a 20 year old self-proclaimed dork who's obsessed with anything Harry Potter. I love reading, writing, and traveling. In an effort to satisfy my intense wanderlust, I've visited 5 countries in Europe (with hopes of seeing the rest of the continent very soon.) I have been involved with Greek life at UNA since my freshman year, and every day I love it more! Being a part of the Greek community has encouraged me to take the initiative to become the best version of myself. Currently, I double major in English with a concentration in Professional Writing and political science. Upon graduation from UNA, I hope to attend law school and become a civil rights lawyer. 

Maggie Peake

My name is Maggie Peake, I'm a senior that is majoring in Elementary Education! I'm originally from Huntsville and graduated from Grissom High in 2012. I love being active in Greek Life, it was one of the best decisions I made during my college experience!

Amy Putman

Hey y’a+ll! My name is Amy Putman and I am a senior here at UNA, where I will be doing my student teaching at Russellville High School this fall! Joining a sorority here at UNA has been the best decision I have ever made. People are not lying when they say you make lifelong friendships and of course finding your bridesmaids! So be prepared to have the best 4 years of y'all's lives making memories that will last a life time! Can't wait to see y’all this fall!!

Whitney Rivers

Hannah Simmons

Hey my name is Hannah Simmons. I am a Senior Business Management major with a minor in Marketing. I've been a part of Greek life since my freshmen year of college and still believe it is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have met so many incredible women who inspire my daily and have shaped me into the person I am today. I can't wait to meet all of you and for you to find your home here at UNA! 

Danielle Smith

Hello! My name is Danielle Smith and I am a junior at UNA majoring in Elementary Education. UNA has brought many blessings and Greek Life is one of the biggest. I have truly found my forever friends and I can't wait to help you find yours! I can't wait to meet all of you in August. Roar Lions and Go Greek! 

Jasmine Spencer

Hi, my name is Jasmine Spencer! I'm a senior majoring in Professional biology and minoring in chemistry. I plan on attending graduate school and becoming an optometrist. I am a member of the honors program and I have held a few leadership positions in my Greek organization. I enjoy Netflix, long naps, tacos, Zumba, laughing, and Netflix. I'm really excited to help you find your home and lifelong sisterhood! See you during recruitment! 

Mary Ware

My name is Mary Ware! I am a Senior Psychology major and Family Studies Minor here at UNA. Following graduation I plan to attend graduate school to receive a masters in Applied Behavior Analysis so I will be able to work with individuals with disabilities. There is nothing I love more than Chris Brown (I bawled real tears at the last concert I went to) and watching The Office on Netflix. I am very passionate about Greek Life because it changed my college experience by giving me the opportunity to develop deep connections with other Greek women, as well as giving me the opportunity to grow as a leader. I am beyond thrilled to meet and assist all the ladies who are coming through this year’s recruitment process! 

Cortney Wray

Hey girls! My name is Cortney Wray and I’m so excited to help guide you through the recruitment process this fall. I’m a senior graduating this fall with a degree in Marketing with a minor in Spanish. Unfortunately, this will be my last recruitment but I’m excited to get to do it with all of you! I can’t wait for you to experience all that being a Panhellenic woman has to offer! You won’t regret it!