Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Your Freshman Year at UNA as Told by Kimmy Schmidt

Your freshman year of college is incredible. Some might even call it your best. Whether you leapt across state lines for the chance to start over and prove your independence, or decided to treat college like a hipster treats beer, (locally crafted with just a touch of loving nostalgia) and receive a higher education right in your back yard, it’s the year that you and your life start the transition from clueless (this is the part where you’re thinking “Me? Clueless? As if!”) high school student into your “post-adolescent idealistic phase.” As dramatic as that sounds, it’s absolutely true. Don’t worry though, because you’re far from alone; throughout the good and the bad you’ll always have one friend who you can relate, Kimmy Schmidt who is "Unbreakable".

Your freshman year is so exciting simply due to the amount of freedom you now have. You make the decisions on everything from where you go to school right down to when you want to take a nap. Amidst all those choices, one of the biggest ones you’ll have to make is where you’re going to live and who you’re going to live with. More often than not, the place you’ll be living is a dorm reserved strictly for freshmen and the person you’ll be living with is a stranger.

Just like Kimmy didn’t know her bunk-sters (Get it? Like bunk-mates and sisters? No? Oh, okay. I’ll stop trying to make jokes now) you won’t know everyone on your floor or in your building. This can seem a little overwhelming at first, but pretty soon after you move in and the semester starts terms like “that building” and “those strangers” evolve into “home” and “family.” You find yourself becoming close with your RA, people who live above and below you, even people you never expected to be friends with. Being in such close proximity and sharing similar experiences are the two biggest factors that contribute to creating a bond with your fellow residents that will go on even after you’ve been freed from the bunker.

Jacqueline Voorhes = Every Upperclassman Ever
One of the most intimidating things about college is looking at the older students and coming to the realization that the stressed out senior you see every time you got to Collier will one day be you. You’re pretty sure they live there and don’t actually have an apartment. How else would they be able to spend SO much time there?! College is where you start to narrow down what you want to do for the rest of your life. The process of what is ultimately choosing a career that matches your passions and interests is grueling, but all the sophomores/juniors/seniors make it look sooo easy. They have everything planned out, right? WRONG. When you first meet an upperclassman, the impression they give you will be reminiscent of when Kimmy first met Jackie. They’ll have it all and more, but once you start to take a closer look you notice that they actually aren’t as perfect and put together as they seem. 

I’m a junior and, like most of my peers, I’m still not entirely sure of what I want to do when I graduate. So when the moment comes that you’re stressed about switching majors or trying to plan your future and you feel the urge to just drop out and be a hippie that sells fortunes for the rest of your days, remember to take a moment and breathe. You are definitely not alone in that feeling. To quote High School Musical, “We’re all in this together.” Find someone who’s a little older to talk to and swap perspectives with. The cool thing about college is that there is always an opportunity to learn something from someone, whether it’s an 18 year old bright eyed freshman, or that one professor that everyone loves. Just like Jackie needs Kimmy sometimes, the veterans of the college need you, the freshman, to help us out too. So go on you new freshman with your bright eyes and new ideas. It's your year. Make it how you want. 

Written by Nicole Morris; Edited by UNA Panhellenic

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