Sunday, June 21, 2015

Sorority Girl Life Lessons

Becoming a Greek woman isn’t about the title, the recognition, or the gifts you receive. It’s about being a part of something that is much bigger than yourself. It’s about working every day to be the woman you are meant to be and living with a purpose to be better than you were the day before. As a senior, I’ve seen the good, the bad, & the ugly, the ups and downs, the rewards and consequences, and the accomplishments and downfalls. Some times are harder than other times but I know of 115 women who will answer their phone at 3 am if a sister needed her. We have each other and at times, that’s all we need. We have a bond that cannot be broken through the art of sisterhood.

Many things come to mind when the word {sisterhood} is brought up. From girls’ night out to the chapter meetings to the pictures you took at date party with your pledge class. You just can’t help but smile looking back on those sweet memories. On the other hand, something I think about when {sisterhood} comes to mind is the life lessons I’ve learned from being involved in Greek life within Panhellenic.

It teaches you to be selfless. Becoming a selfless woman will open your eyes to all of the things you’ve shut out along the way. We put in hard work for our chapters that sometimes can seemingly go unnoticed but it makes a huge impact in your heart and your purpose of being there. A selfless woman will do whatever she needs to do for the betterment of her sorority and for her sisters. When sisters call her they know she always responds in a compassionate manner. The most important thing to her is her sisters and the memories she will make with them. 

It teaches you how to ball on a budget. Being a college girl, money goes faster than water in the desert. You will be broke and calling your parents for help before you know it. Being in a sorority girl can get expensive (especially if you rock every t-shirt they order), but there are ways to keep your cool and not have to count your change at the gas pump. If you can grab a part time job, stay on top of your payments, and balance out your budget for the necessities, you’re on the right track to a great year with your friends and keeping some money handy! Don’t get discouraged! Lots of sorority girls pay all of their bills independently and still have a social life. You can do it. J

It teaches you time management. Coming in as a freshman at UNA, I was an athlete, a student, and joined a sorority in recruitment. With that being said, my priorities lined up very quickly. Although I constantly stayed busy, it was worth every minute. I loved jumping in head first and getting involved with different organizations all at once. You can set up study dates with your friends, build your resume, plan the times when you can finally eat, and make memories all in one. It could be more difficult to add in another activity once you settle into a regular schedule so don’t wait on that. Jump right in, you won’t regret it!

It teaches you to be a team player. We love to feel like we are a part of something. Like all of the hard work we put into something really paid off and it was well worth it. We all work together for a common goal that makes our bond that much stronger. We are all pieces to the puzzle and we need every piece to make the picture perfect .

It teaches you how about networking. Not only throughout Panhellenic but in the community as well. Knowing the right kind of people can get you so far along in life. Networking is the root of the business world and it can definitely help you land your dream job. Joining a sorority opens a door for you to meet so many incredible people and each and every one has something different to bring to the table. The connections you make will be with you for the rest of your life.

GO GREEK!! It’s the best way to learn your life lessons in college.

Written by Cortney Wray; Edited by UNA Panhellenic

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